Marwood Cooperative house is where I spent 5 years of my life while at Purdue. The website was in desperate need of a redesign my sophomore year at Purdue, and I had just learned PHP and MySQL in one of my cgt classes. I propose to the Marwood Corporation board members that I rebuild the website in php, with the added functionality of our alumni being about to create accounts on the website.
One thing we always struggled with in my time at Purdue was keeping in touch with our alumni. People are constantly moving to new states and having updated contact information, which we would use yearly to invite alumni back to our house for homecoming. Most of the time the information was out of date and of no use to us; our system at the time was an excel file with the contact info in it.
With my added functionality of creating accounts alumni can now log in and update their contact information so it is always up to date. The alumni chair has an account they can log in with and see the list of users in the system, and export it to excel and print it off for the yearly phone-a-thon
Along with being able to view and print the list of alumni, the admin also has some added functionality to update information on the website such as house new, homepage information/image, and current members. When people are looking to rush cooperative houses, they like to look at websites and see the mixture of majors/grades that people are in so with the ability of the admin to add members, they can keep the list of current members up to date.
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This project was very interesting as Galvin Technologies did not create the design for the website. Conner Prairie recently hired a new marketing firm to rebrand their company, however, they wanted Galvin to continue to maintain/create their website. This was a very complex website with approx. 12 page templates (24 including mobile).
There were requirements for this website to be very interactive; this is a majority of where my first project utilizing lots of Javascript & JQuery. Throughout the website were numerous hidden menus and panels that needed to slide in or display when a control is clicked.
Along with the amount of page templates, we were also required to build CSS around each individual area. Conner Prairie has several distinct areas on their campus, and each one includes its own branding and color scheme.
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The BHUG website was the second time Galvin redesigned Bloodhound’s website. BHUG recently brokered a deal with the Indianapolis Colts and wanted a brand revamp to signify their new era of business.
This design featured a one pager type homepage to go along with their responsive design.
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Kentucky 811 was a project I worked on at a Galvin Technologies in my first year there. Our designer made the mock up of it in photoshop and I turned that into the html and css.
What made this project unique was the requirement for an interactive map. The client wanted to have a map with every county in Kentucky, and wanted to be able to navigate to each individual county’s detail page from the map. Make it interactive included different hover states for the counties, as well as having the name of the county appear in a pop up ‘bubble’ for each county
Each individual county detail page also had a ‘zoomed in’ version of the map where the user could navigate to the counties touching the current one. For the creation of both the state map and the county map I used Raphael.js mixed with custom jquery to achieve the desired effects. Also on the county detail pages are a series of accordian menus to reveal and hide details regarding each county.
Close ProjectThis was one of the first websites that Galvin created using the Kentico 8.0 CMS. It was also one of the first official Responsive Websites Galvin Technologies produced.
Close ProjectOne of my best friend’s wife is a very talented photographer in the Indianapolis area and she was looking to have a website where she could show case her work and find potential clients to work with. Megan had shown me a few websites that she liked and wanted a minimalist design for her site. Since it is a photography website she obviously needed an easy way to add galleries to her site, and not have to depend on me having free time to be able to add pictures for her. I decided to build this website into wordpress so she could manage the content herself. I used the NextGen gallery plugin for her to manage the photos, and created a custom NextGen template that used logic to determine what page template was being used, and then work with JQuery Cycle to display her gallery in a slide show format.
Since she was looking to find new clients, there was also a need for a way to contact her. I created a page template for a contact form and let Megan choose a contact form plugin that she felt was easy to use and implement on her website.
Megan was also wanting to have a blog, which was easily done since I was already planning on building this in wordpress which is known for its blogging capabilities. Now Megan has a website and blog all in one.
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